The short answer to your question is YES!!!

Israel was a mistake. Apartheid states can no longer be allowed to exist, much less to have nuclear weapons in their arsenals.

South Africa shows us the way. BDS will come for Israel for the simple reason that most Americans really are decent people and take a dim view of genocidal maniacs. It's 2024, not 1824.

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A brave article to write - well done, Joe!

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Biblically, they should never have been there in the first place. It's in opposition to God. However, Israel does translate to wrestle with God or God wrestler. They gotta go. They're terrible neighbors who refuse to love their neighbors.

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This is an excellent article full of solid facts that every person on the planet should read and digest. If ever there was a time to redraw the borders in the Middle East to how their occupants believe they should be (and not their colonizers) it is today.

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When there is no limit to the amount and depth of hate in a person’s heart there is no limit to the ludicrous madness that they will believe and convince themselves of in order to try and justify the hate that has absorbed them

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