'Apartheid is still Apartheid'

How simple and true...


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Thank you for this article spelling out the similarities and differences between the two apartheid protest movements. If you haven't seen the documentary "Road to Apartheid" already, I highly recommend it. My mind was blown about how similar both apartheid South African and Israel were... The good friends both announced their apartheid policies (under different names) in 1948!

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May 2Liked by Joe Brunoli

In one of the latest letters being passed around we learn that another elite university, Dartmouth College, yesterday sent the police to forcibly remove protesters on their campus yesterday night.

What's interesting in the communication from the university is the verbal sleight of hand.

Most notably the university smoothly re-frames grave crimes against humanity (the illegal occupation of another country for 50 years, apartheid and now genocide- all documented by the UN and ICJ ) as “contested issues” and “political” ones.

This is beyond hypocrisy and totally unconscionable.

People are dying every day at the hands of well armed murderers, and no one can credibly pretend they don't know why there are protests or why the protesters are taking urgent measures.

These are institutions of higher learning, and one wonders what reputation they think they will have left when they engage in telling obvious lies and refusing to engage in truth-based discourse. Why should anyone any longer believe any research or insight that these institutions publish, when they are so clearly unable to stand for truth and honesty.

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May 1Liked by Joe Brunoli

While "Apartheid is Still Apartheid", the storylines and spin of the perpetrators have been much more intense and go deep into gaslighting. And worse yet the media do the pepetrators job for them.

Of course we have the gaslighting tactics of accusing any protesters of "anti-semitism". No doubt the older Afrikaaners today wish they had throught of that lie.

But also I see in the US media the students are not called "anti-genocide" - the call them "pro Palestine"....and of course the defenders of genocide are then called by the media "Pro Israel". THAT is some nasty sleight of hand. So that we don't underline that these students being brutalised are protesting about GENOCIDE perpetrated and funded and armed by the same state that is beating them down.

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To be fair, most of the chants are along the lines of "we will not wait, we will not rest, dispose, divest". I think that the organisers behind the protests were already involved in the BDS movement; the genocide and the call for a cease fire crystallised around that basic demand and became something much more universal - and powerful.

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May 1·edited May 1


Why are the students asking for divestment and a boycott? To apply pressure to bring and end to the apartheid and genocide. The protesters are anti-genocide. Anti apartheid.

Its documented that the US media follow the Israeli-disseminated talking points in which those words "genocide" and "apartheid" are among the words the US media is "advised" to NOT mention.


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Great article. Thank you for your service

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